Any student at Stanford has the right to propose legislation for ballot initiatives as long as they meet certain guidelines outlined in the ASSU Constitution. If you would like to propose legislation, you will need to create a petition on and collect sufficient signatures by April 4th. There are several types of legislation available:
- Advisory Referenda: For resolutions, “advisory referenda”, or other initiatives whose only purpose is to express an opinion, or to take such symbolic action as may be incidental to the expression of that opinion, a petition must garner signatures from at least 5% of the relevant Association population, or 5% of both undergraduate and graduate populations, if it would apply to the entire population.
- General Initiatives: To seek the enactment of general legislation, a petition must garner signatures from at least 10% of the relevant Association population, or 10% of both undergraduate and graduate populations, if it would apply to the entire population.
- Legislative Referenda: To seek a referendum on legislation passed by the Undergraduate Senate or Graduate Student Council, a petition must garner signatures from at least 10% of the relevant Association population, or 15% of both undergraduate and graduate populations, if passed by both.
- Constitutional Amendments: To amend the ASSU Constitution, a petition must garner signatures from at least 5% of the relevant Association population, or 5% of the undergraduate and graduate populations, if it would apply to the entire population.