Get On The Ballot


Once a year, Stanford students vote for the issues and candidates that will serve their interests. There are three ways in which the student population can use elections to impact student life and policies on campus:

  1. Elect student leaders;
  2. Pass popular legislation items, including initiatives and advisory referenda;
  3. Approve special funding and annual grants for student groups and initiatives.

Each of these require a petition in order to appear on the ballot. Head on over to to get started!


Bear in mind your petition must satisfy requirements of the Constitution and Joint Bylaws, including:

    • If a student organization is not satisfied with the Annual Grant approved in the standard process, they may petition the student body directly for a different Annual Grant.
    • The organization shall prepare a budget detailing the expenses for which an Annual Grant is sought, and submit this, along with the current budget and a summary of actual expenditures, to the Elections Commissioner in the form of a petition. The budget detailing the expenses may only include expenses requested in the budget originally presented through the UG Senate’s standard process. Such petitions must bear the signatures of 15 percent of the members of the relevant Association population, and request the placement of the amended Annual Grant on the ballot for consideration.
  • A petition must contain the following during solicitation and submission:
  • The informational pages shall contain the name of the appropriate candidate, slate (and the names of its members), or sponsor (and the organization requesting the Special Fee or the title of the ballot measure); their email address; their telephone number; and any additional information specified by the Constitution, the Association By-Laws, the US By-Laws, the GSC By-Laws, the Charge of the Commission, or these Policies.
  • Any missing information shall invalidate a petition.
Get On The Ballot